Our Projects
“You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. – César Chávez
The Springfield Food Policy Council's initiatives focus on fighting hunger and nutrition inequity, expanding access to fresh, affordable and culturally appropriate foods, and developing urban agriculture in the City of Springfield. Explore the options below to learn how you or your community can get involved.
Las iniciativas del Consejo de Política Alimentaria de Springfield se centran en combatir el hambre y la desigualdad nutricional, ampliar el acceso a alimentos frescos, asequibles y culturalmente apropiados, y desarrollar la agricultura urbana en la ciudad de Springfield. Explore las opciones a continuación para saber cómo usted o su comunidad pueden participar.
SFPC's 2021 Liberation Garden Program: Check Back in March
Want to grow your own food at home? The Springfield Food Policy Council believes that everyone who wants to grow their own food should have the support they need to do so. To help make this possible, we install raised-bed and container gardens through our Liberation Garden initiative.
¿Quiere cultivar su propia comida en casa? El Consejo de Política Alimentaria de Springfield cree que todos los que quieran cultivar sus propios alimentos deben tener el apoyo que necesitan para hacerlo. Para ayudar a que esto sea posible, instalamos jardines de contenedores y camas elevadas a través de nuestra iniciativa Liberation Garden.

Springfield EATS’ work this year has been driven by a commitment to expanding access to healthy food, advocating for systemic policy changes, and building capacity for resident engagement and community organizations. With continued support from partners, funders, and community members, we will deepen our impact in the coming year, building local food systems, and improving health outcomes for Springfield’s most vulnerable populations.
El trabajo de Springfield EATS este año ha estado impulsado por el compromiso de ampliar el acceso a alimentos saludables, abogar por cambios sistémicos en las políticas y desarrollar la capacidad para la participación de los residentes y las organizaciones comunitarias. Con el apoyo continuo de socios, financiadores y miembros de la comunidad, profundizaremos nuestro impacto en el próximo año, construyendo sistemas alimentarios locales y mejorando los resultados de salud para las poblaciones más vulnerables de Springfield.

40 Acres Garden & Farm Projects
The SFPC encourages and supports the construction of school gardens and the integration of gardening into school curriculum. Gardening engages students by providing a dynamic environment to observe, discover, experiment, nurture, and learn. School gardens are living laboratories where interdisciplinary lessons are drawn from real life experiences, encouraging students to become active participants in the learning process.
Why school gardening?
Learning in a school garden teaches the fundamentals of three important issues: nutrition, agriculture, and outdoor activity. Research in support of school gardening shows that:
Gardening enriches every subject area from arts to social studies, including special education classes.
Children who learn to grow their own food make healthier decisions about what to eat.
Gardening teaches cooperation, responsibility and patience, and increases self-esteem.
Gardens offer a unique way to incorporate the greater community into school activities.
Gardens beautify the school and instill pride in students and school staff.